Having stepped away from traditional measures of success and followed a similar ‘leaving a career’ path to yours to focus on writing, I find myself continually frustrated by those who still measure themselves and me in traditional ways. Many do not see my life as success as I can’t validate myself via a title, position etc. I love my life of freedom now so much more than my old life but still I will be asked what I do and when I am going to write a book! It’s as if I need to evidence my success in some tangible way!

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I’ve loved watching your journey! The outside perception is a tough one. People who have never known any different can’t quite comprehend that there is another way. I have begun to feel less frustrated and more compassionate towards those that try and measure me in this way. That they can’t see another way. When someone asks me if I’m busy I reframe it to full, my life is full of the things that make me fulfilled.

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Yes I think you are exactly right, people cannot comprehend that there is another way. In many ways, I am a mystery or an anomaly to them! They’re trying to fit me into their ways of measurement. I think I will have to follow your lead and be more compassionate! Hope your journey is going well...

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I have Emma's book to read. Looking forward to it

I feel like I've been on a similar journey to you.

This is the most 'successful' I've ever felt I think but it's not in any of the ways I was taught.

Contentment, alignment, freedom, space, joy...these are what I aim for now.

I feel so fortunate that I had this role modelled and was able to 'see' other versions of success.

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Yes! Love those measures of success and agree that it makes such a difference to see other people following different paths.

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Quite agree, finding our definition of success can take time, but it's worth working it out. Otherwise we'll continue to feel something is "off" in our lives

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It’s such a journey thought isn’t it. From realising what you’re living isn’t success to working out what is.

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It's a great journey to be on, if somewhat uncertain at times.

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Great post! I loved the part where you said that your success is now based on how well you’re aligning with your values. This is something I’ve tried to focus on lately too. It’s actually so freeing to be able to define success this way, instead of via how much money we earn, or how high up our job title goes. It’s made for a much more fulfilled life, and that is what’s most important 🥰

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I love that Sophie. A fulfilled life vs a life filled with things 🥰

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A lovely read and connect for me today! Thanks so much! That book shop looks so so cute! ✨🍃🐢🫖

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Thank you! It’s so lovely, I had no idea it was there!

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Great post Rebecca 😊

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